We are graduate students, at the University of Cincinnati. Geology Weekly will document our field and class experiences, both near and far. Join us as we journey into deep time!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Versailles State Park

This past weekend Christopher and I, with our friend Kyle of the Dry Dredgers, took advantage of the nice weather and head out into the field. We made our way to Indiana, lead by Kyle, with the objective of viewing some late Ordovician exposures. 

Waynesville/Liberty (Upper Ordovician) outcrop along the cut bank of the stream

A lot of ice on the stream and outcrops, but still some nice exposures. #JanuaryFieldWork

Notice the distinct blue color of the shale, common to shales of Waynesville and Liberty Formations

View from the top of the hill we hiked up after following streams in search of outcrops

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